You will draw on your experience as an International Baccalaureate (IB) teacher and improve your understanding of key concepts in education and those underlying the IB Programmes. You will develop your academic arguments and literacy in light of contemporary debates in international education whilst challenging and questioning your practice and experience. You will also acquire an understanding of the theory and practice of education research and adopt a reflective and critical approach needed to evaluate research literature. Then focusing on one of the 3 IB programmes (Primary Years Programme, Middle Years Programme or Diploma Programme), you will engage in data-driven research into your own practice and interest and issues related to one of the IB programmes to formulate solutions to issues or challenges in the area of international education.
Please note that the Master of Arts in Education is sponsored by Fairview International School, and the programme can not be applied for externally. It is a scholarship-only-entry postgraduate programme.
At the end of the three years, you gain:
Three years of teaching experience in an international school
Three years of teaching experience in an IB World School
The Cambridge International Diploma for Teaching and Learning (CIDTL); awarded by the University of Cambridge International Examinations, UK
Master of Arts (MA) in Education; awarded by Sheffield Hallam University, UK
Opportunity to apply for the IB Professional Educator Certificate with the IB Organisation
For more information about:
- The IB programme (
- The equivalency of IB's qualification to other post-16 qualifications using the UCAS Tariff tables for entry to UK universities
Its average grade score of only 30 out of 45 is already equivalent to 2A* and 1B at GCE A Levels, as of July 2015
IAST7010 The Art and Science of Teaching
This module focuses on instructional strategies to enhance student motivation, achievement and classroom management strategies to enhance student engagement, motivation, and high expectations.
EDPP7113, EPRA7113 Design (Planning and Preparation)
This module aims to equip teachers with the skills to plan and prepare learning sessions and programmes. This is one of the four modules required for the Cambridge Diploma for Teaching and Learning (CIDTL). By the end of the module, teachers should be able to plan and prepare a learning programme in a logical sequence of learning sessions and other activities.
EPRA7113 Practice (Teaching & Learning in Action)
This module aims to equip teachers with the knowledge and skills to facilitate active learning and learner involvement. This is one of the four modules required for the Cambridge Diploma for Teaching and Learning (CIDTL).
By the end of the module, teachers should be able to:
• Deliver planned activities effectively in accordance with realistic and achievable lesson plans
• Implement activities that encourage various types of learner involvement
• Evaluate critically the effectiveness of lessons and materials in meeting the learning objectives
• Continue in establishing the basis of an on-going evaluation of their own professional skills and practice
EAPA7223 Assessment (Assessing Progress & Achievement)
This module aims to provide teachers with an understanding of the types, purposes and methods of assessments, reporting methods and the parties to whom the assessment outcomes are reported to. This is one of the four modules required for the Cambridge Diploma for Teaching and Learning (CIDTL).
By the end of the module, teachers should be able to:
• Base all stages of assessing learners’ progress and achievement on recognised good practice
• Identify, select and use appropriate methods of formative and summative assessment
• Develop awareness and experience of issues involved in the communication, recording and storage of assessment outcomes
• Continue in establishing the basis of an on-going evaluation of their own professional skills and practice
EEVA7223 Evaluation (Improving Teaching & Learning)
This module aims to equip teachers with the skills to gather, analyse and utilise feedback to continually improve upon the design, practice, learning methods, curriculum and resources of a learning programme. This is one of the four modules required for the Cambridge Diploma for Teaching and Learning (CIDTL).
By the end of the module, teachers should be able to:
• Base all stages of evaluating and improving learning programmes on recognised good practice
• Evaluate their own professional development and continually improve using the evaluations and feedback received during assignments
• Develop own goals and plans for implementing future developments of learning programmes and own professional practice
IBCT7029 IB Concept Based Teaching and Learning
This module examines the characteristics of concept-based curriculum and instruction models which identifies the International Baccalaureate (IB) programmes as a three-dimensional, concept-based model. It addresses the areas of synergistic thinking, transfer of knowledge and social construction of knowledge and discusses them in the context of the required IB pedagogy.
EIBC7224 IB - Curriculum Processes
The module explores the development of international education in the context of International Baccalaureate (IB) philosophy and curricula framework. It also provides an understanding of the essential elements and processes of implementing each of the 3 IB programmes (Primary Years, Middle Years and Diploma Programme) and how student learning is developed within these programmes.
EIBT7234 IB - Teaching and Learning
The module explores design and development of curricular, pedagogical and assessment strategies responsive to the needs and interests of students. It investigates factors that affect teaching and learning, and examines multiple ways of teaching that teachers can bring to the classroom. This includes the nature of inquiry and assessment in International Baccalaureate (IB) World Schools. The module will include large group, small group, pair work and individual strategies for teaching and learning. Course work, discussions and assignments will model IB approaches to learning and reflect the IB programme standards and practices for collaboration, curriculum planning, teaching and assessment.
EIBA7233 IB - Assessment and Learning
This module explores the essential role of assessment in teaching International Baccalaureate (IB) learners. It addresses formative and summative assessment practices as an integral part of the IB curriculum as well as the use of assessment for differentiation and planning.
EIBP7233 IB - Professional Learning
This module explores what is reflective practice and how does it support programme implementation and enhance classroom practice. It looks at ways in which findings and experiences can be shared to improve the professional expertise of International Baccalaureate (IB) teachers, student learning and community participation. Current innovations and ideas in the area of international education and how these can be applied to enhance the IB program will also be considered.
EIRM7344 Introduction to Research Methodology
This module will provide the foundational skills that are required to prepare for a successful research project designed to investigate an aspect of International Baccalaureate (IB) practice.
These include:
• Conducting a literature search and writing a literature review;
• Writing a research proposal;
• Linking the literature review, the research proposal and the research report; and
• The requirements of, and techniques appropriate to, writing a research report
EPEE7345 Practitioner Inquiry
This module reviews, extends and challenges teachers’ understanding of, and skills in, systematic inquiry and explores with utilisation of quantitative or qualitative research process to help educational practitioners plan and complete a research study related to International Baccalaureate (IB) learners, teachers or schools. Furthermore, the module examines the social, cultural and ethical issues of conducting research with students. The module is delivered via a mix of tutor-led sessions, workshop activity, small group discussion and individual tutorial work, with opportunities for online discussion and peer support. Through these means teachers will be introduced to key concepts, strategies and skills for personal, professional and organisational development through practitioner inquiry.
EDEP72512 Dissertation - Inquiry based project
In this module teachers develop, undertake and review an inquiry-based project. The project must relate to the teachers’s area of specialisation within one of the three International Baccalaureate (IB) programmes, (Primary Years, Middle Years or Diploma Programme) or IB education in general. The focus and type of project will vary according to the teacher’s interests and context. Typically, teachers undertake either an inquiry-based innovation, change project or a research dissertation on a topic related to practice of 12,000 - 15,000 words.
A key aspect of the module is that it offers the opportunity for teachers to undertake a largely autonomous, substantial piece of Master's level work. Teachers are therefore expected to self-direct much of their learning. They will draw on the subject and inquiry knowledge base developed in earlier modules and work with a high degree of independence to locate further resources to support their study and enquiry.